Veterans In Motion - V.I.M.

Experiencing a military transition? Do you call it a civilian transition? Military Transition Tips and articles are located on our Military Transition Tips website at site. Proud Milblogger. Military Transition Timeline. See

Monday, March 28, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Military Transition Post - New Development!

When I was leaving the military, I couldn't believe how high the prices were off-base. Being on a base spoils a person when it comes to purchasing items. I searched for various tools and came up with a solution for people trying to save money. Below is a new development for Veterans In Motion.

Welcome to our Veterans In Motion Outlet Store.

See how you can save. Some of the prices are better than on- base.

A link will remain in our upper right hand corner of our blog.

Your Military Transition Coach,

Johnetta Matthews

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Military Transition – RSS Feed Subscriptions

Veterans In Motion now uses a more up-to-date method to reach our service men and women transitioning out of the military.

Review our Blog and subscribe to our RSS Feed through your My Yahoo page or the options listed at our feed address. For further information, go to . This is a valuable option for someone who has access to a computer without email capability.

You may also receive V.I.M. Blog live updates via email by placing your name in the subscribe box on our Blog. See the Bloglet option in the upper right hand corner of this Blog. You can now receive up-to-date entries and not miss out on our postings.

Veterans In Motion’s Blog also has a job feed posted. If you’re considering leaving the military, check back frequently for new job listings. Jobs are rotated daily.

To opt-in our weekly newsletter, return to our main web site at and place your name and email in the upper right hand corner. You will receive our weekly military transition newsletter and complimentary services.

For quick job guides and financial education resources, visit . There are valuable tools online and our web site has a few of them listed to assist with your transition. Please see the below banner on the page of the web site and see what the United Spouses Association has to offer. They are a great team of people who care about the military family.

Stay tuned for more developments from Veterans In Motion. Visit our website at for further options and services.

If you have any recommendations, please write with your comments. We appreciate your feedback.

Be Safe.

Your Military Transition Coach,

Johnetta Matthews
MilBlog Member

Notice to Viewers:

Veterans In Motion is not a job service or affiliated with the military. We hold the military at the highest regard and the services it offers. Veterans In Motion is a supplemental service to address the inner conflicts a person faces while leaving the military.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Military Transition - Complimentary Teleseminar

This post is just a reminder regarding the benefits of having a career assessment and coaching prior to, during, and after the military.

We have many hats in the military. One job in the military is approximately four jobs in the civilian sector. Narrowing down which job to perfom in the civilian sector is really complicated.

After taking a career assessment, I discovered civilian occupations which were in alignment with my talents. I hired a coach and she helped me to discover that I had the potential to become a mentor, a coach, and also a trainer. If you read the Meet The Coach Page on the Veterans In Motion website, at, you'll see the whole story on how Veterans In Motion was formed.

Prior to the military, we all took the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test. The test determined which occupations we were best suited for based on our capabilities. As you leave the military, you may wonder what are your true attributes now. Wouldn't it make sense to have an assessment prior to leaving the military so you can determine what you can become in the civilian sector?

Just because someone is a jet mechanic in the military, it doesn't mean the person has to be a jet mechanic in the civilian sector. They may have other talents they may be unaware of possessing. This is why a career assessment is so vital.

There will be a complimentary teleseminar on the importance of career assessments for people leaving the military.

Teleseminar Reminder:

Attend our free teleseminar for people transitioning from the military. Short call on the benefits of having a career assessment prior to leaving the military. Only 15 slots available. Write and place "Career Assessment" in the subject line. Mention your time zone and your name in the body of the email. Also include any problems you're facing with leaving the military. We will cover as many concerns on the call as possible. An official invitation to the call will be forwarded to you upon receipt of your email.


Date: March 28, 2005
Time: 6 pm. PST
Duration: 55 minutes

Hope to hear you on the call. This will be a recurring teleseminar. Times for the call will adjust to the needs of the callers and participants.

Be Safe.

Your Military Transition Coach,


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Military Transition Post - Credit Repair

There are many events that can take place when leaving the military. Our finances can take unforeseen turns, we can experience unexpected expenses, and the end result can be credit problems. Daily, I research tools that can help us with our military transition. Often I purchase products and review them for their benefits. Below was a product I purchased to learn how a person can clean their credit and was amazed at how there are simple steps involved with the process. See if this product may be of use to you and your family.

From Jean's Website:

Use my experience today and I will show you how to get every negative item removed from your credit report within 1-3 months... GUARANTEED! CLICK HERE!

Another Option:

When I was about to leave the military, I had no clue what my monthly salary would be in the civilian sector and I didn't know if I could make ends meet. The first thing I did was consolidate my bills. This way my payments were lowered and the monthly interest charges were at a minimal. It's not easy leaving the miltary and looking for a new career. This may also be an option you may want to look into. Click on "Consolidate Your Bills":

Consolidate Your Bills

Best wishes with your military transition and may you have a sound financial future.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Ten Secrets To Success - Military Transition

You're probably wondering where your military transition will take you. Here are Ten Secrets To Success to ponder upon for the week:

Vision Your Possibilities: Enter Site Here

What is your perception of yourself? Believe it or not, your perception is what you will become and what you will project upon others.

See our website for your free, no obligation coaching session at: . Join our newsletter at our front page to be included in this month's free laser coaching session scheduled for March 27, 2005.

Your Military Transition Coach,

Johnetta Matthews
Retired Military

Note: I'm reading the "Help Protect Your Computer" e-book and it's instantly giving me tips on how to save my computer from spyware, malware, and all sorts of ugly things that can affect our computers. The news has covered all the latest attacks on businesses and personal computers in the last few months. Make sure you're not a statistic. Check the logo at the Help Protect Your Computer link. You won't regret it.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Military Transition - Blog Tip

Since we have an ongoing newsletter with Military Transition Tips, we thought it would only make sense to publish Military Transition Blog Tips for our viewers.

This Month's Military Transition Blog Tip:

Your Perception Is Your Projection!

What does that statement mean when you see it? The intent behind that statement is really up to you. You see, what we perceive and believe is all we will ever see and experience. We will comment on this Blog Tip further in the next few days.

Your Military Transition Coach,

Johnetta Matthews

*Protect Your Computer. See our link, to the right, below.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Tuesday's Tips - Military Transition Newsletter

We're on our second week of publishing our weekly tips for people experiencing a military transition. A military transition can be experienced prior to, during, and long after leaving the military.

Our military transition tips newsletter covers topics I wish I had considered when I was leaving the military. Go to and request the free chapter of our Introductory Transition Guide. You'll be automatically subscribed to our Tuesday's Tips - Military Transitioning Newsletter.

The newsletter doesn't replace coaching and yet it covers many topics that may be important to a person leaving the military. A person who has already left the military will also benefit from our newsletter as well.

Feel free to pass a copy of our newsletters to our brothers and sisters serving in Iraq. You never know if someone is planning to leave the military after their deployment. They would benefit from joining our newsletter tremendously!

Your Military Transition Coach,

Johnetta Matthews

Gosh, still can't believe I lost everything on my computer. See the below ad to protect your files.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Spyware, Adware, and Now A Solution

Last week I had the most terrifying time I've ever had online. My computer crashed and I lost almost everything. I had browser hijackers, adware, and spyware in my system. In the next coming months, beware of the adware and spyware that can be automatically downloaded on your computer.

The last thing you would want is to get a job interview and then find out there is no way for you to access your resume. Yikes!!!! Can you imagine having an interview the next morning and all you can see is a black screen the night before? (My suggestion is to use a flash drive or disc). Well, I had a newsletter to publish and that's all I saw. (All I can do is shake me head now).

Today I came across a solution I wish I had found prior to last week. Please check the below ebook and see how an everyday person or a computer expert can fix and prevent what happened to me. Gosh, wish I had found this sooner, I would have all of my files. Here's a tool for you. Click on website below:

Friday, March 04, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Visit Our Website

This blog is receiving a great deal of attention. Please don't forget our Military Transition Website at At our site, there's a free chapter offer for our Introductory Military Transitioning Guide. There's also an ongoing Tuesday's Tips Newsletter for Military Transitioning available to you for free if you Opt-in as a subscriber to our mailing list. Receive your Military Transitioning Tips weekly.

Johnetta Matthews
Military Transition Coach

No one deserves to lose all of their computer files like I did. Check out this one tool that can make a huge difference for you and your computer:

Help Save Your Computer!!


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