Veterans In Motion - V.I.M.

Experiencing a military transition? Do you call it a civilian transition? Military Transition Tips and articles are located on our Military Transition Tips website at site. Proud Milblogger. Military Transition Timeline. See

Friday, September 24, 2004

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New Website Coming Soon

Our new website will be available within the next couple of months. We're working with a team of professionals. Our url will be Stay tuned for the developments.

Our new website will reflect our coaching services, upcoming teleclasses, speaking engagements, books, and information on our career assessments. Our focus is on developing mastermind groups for veterans and military members.

For additional information, write for a free copy of our latest book. Our book has a great deal of infomation on our services.

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Free Ebook Available Now!

Our first ebook is available online for free. The ebook is titled, "The Five Mistakes People Make While Leaving The Military, Five Crucial Tips To Avoid Them". Shortly after the book was released in August 2004, I was asked to perform a speaking engagement on the material outlined in the book. The speaking engagement is scheduled for October 29, 2004 in San Diego. I'm elated over the response the book has had since it's release. The book is now an introductory civilian transition program.

The book describes common mistakes a person makes while leaving the military. Our military mindset is what makes us successful in our military environment. We are required to self-sacrifice and put our mission ahead of our wants and desires. Mission before self is our motto.

As a new civilian, we encounter adjustments to our military mindset and go through a self-discovery phase. This ebook is an introduction to the self-discovery phase we undergo when we are no longer in the military.

For a free copy, write and place "Free Ebook" in the subject line. A PDF version of the book will be emailed to your email address. This book will be free until January 2005. Request your free copy today.

Feel free to send a transitioning problem you're facing at . Our material is developed based on your needs.

Transitional Tips

Request two copies of your medical and dental records prior to leaving the military. Have a Department of Veterans Affairs representative review your medical records for a disability claim. Submit all required documents for your medical claims prior to leaving the military.

Request official and unofficial copies of all training and college transcripts. Never open an official transcript. Colleges only accept sealed transcripts.


This book is presented by Veterans-In-Motion for servicemen and women leaving the military. Veterans-In-Motion is dedicated to addressing the vital steps necessary for career and life changes. A complimentary coaching session is available upon a first come, first serve basis. This is a one-time session. Monthly Teleclasses are held to address the needs of servicemen and women leaving the military. For details, write

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Veterans-In-Motion Founder Posted by Hello

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

The Beginning of Veterans In Motion (V.I.M.)

Veterans In Motions is designed to help our brave military members transition into their civilian lifestyles. Transitioning into a civilian lifestyle is challenging, empowering, and often frightening. There are many programs available to assist military members with leaving the military, yet many programs fail to address what's going on inside of the military person as they undergo their transition. Transitioning into a civilian is an internal process. Our families and well-being can be jeopardized if we aren't capable of facing our internal changes as we depart the military. Allow Veterans In Motion to become a source of solutions for your journey.

Veterans In Motion offers solutions for people leaving the military and also for those who've been out of the military. These solutions come from first hand experience and from someone whose served in the military. If there is one veteran organization who understands transitional pressures, trials, emotional setbacks, and possible concerns, it's Veterans In Motion.


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