Veterans In Motion - V.I.M.

Experiencing a military transition? Do you call it a civilian transition? Military Transition Tips and articles are located on our Military Transition Tips website at site. Proud Milblogger. Military Transition Timeline. See

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Panic Attack Coach - Click Here

Tuesday's Tips - Military Transition Newsletter

We're on our second week of publishing our weekly tips for people experiencing a military transition. A military transition can be experienced prior to, during, and long after leaving the military.

Our military transition tips newsletter covers topics I wish I had considered when I was leaving the military. Go to and request the free chapter of our Introductory Transition Guide. You'll be automatically subscribed to our Tuesday's Tips - Military Transitioning Newsletter.

The newsletter doesn't replace coaching and yet it covers many topics that may be important to a person leaving the military. A person who has already left the military will also benefit from our newsletter as well.

Feel free to pass a copy of our newsletters to our brothers and sisters serving in Iraq. You never know if someone is planning to leave the military after their deployment. They would benefit from joining our newsletter tremendously!

Your Military Transition Coach,

Johnetta Matthews

Gosh, still can't believe I lost everything on my computer. See the below ad to protect your files.


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