Katrina Survivor Information and Links
The support for Katrina Victims is pouring in. Below is a web site that shows housing opportunities for Katrina Survivors. Fellow Bloggers, you know what to do. Let's pass the links around. There's also a fellow Blogger that has additional links.
Housing for Katrina Survivors:
Courtesy of Hennessy's View Blog Archive - Open Homes for Katrina Victims:
Current Posts from Bill Hennessy's Blog: http://wp.billhennessy.com/
Bill thanks for the information. Great information for such a time in need!
Johnetta Matthews
Military Transition Coach
Technorati Tags: military transition military
military separation military retirement military transition
life veterans va homeless Iraq war Health PTSD
The support for Katrina Victims is pouring in. Below is a web site that shows housing opportunities for Katrina Survivors. Fellow Bloggers, you know what to do. Let's pass the links around. There's also a fellow Blogger that has additional links.
Housing for Katrina Survivors:
Courtesy of Hennessy's View Blog Archive - Open Homes for Katrina Victims:
Current Posts from Bill Hennessy's Blog: http://wp.billhennessy.com/
Bill thanks for the information. Great information for such a time in need!
Johnetta Matthews
Military Transition Coach
Technorati Tags: military transition military
military separation military retirement military transition
life veterans va homeless Iraq war Health PTSD