Veterans In Motion - V.I.M.

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Monday, August 22, 2005

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Military Transition News - Depleted Uranium

Veterans In Motion and many of us in the electronic communications industry really want for people to research about how depleted uranium is affecting our troops in Iraq and abroad.

Just today, I noticed more blogs are addressing the depleted uranium situation. V.I.M. would like to advise all military personnel to get copies of all medical and personnel records. The last thing you'd want to happen is to be informed that either of your records are missing.

Results of Missing Military Records:

1. If your personnel records are lost, you may not be able to prove you were in Iraq.

2. If your medical records are lost, you may not be eligible to submit for compensation of a medical claim.

3. As time goes on, future medical problems may arise from exposure to depleted uranium and other toxic elements in Iraq.

Other Sources:

1. Here's a great article that also mentions the "Beyond Treason" web site and documentary:

Article on Depleted Uranium

2. Documentary

Beyond Treason Documentary - Study of Depleted Uranium and medical illnesses of deployed forces. This information includes and precedes the current Iraqi War. All veterans who have participated in a conflict or warfare testing may want to see the above websites.

*Thanks Keld Bach's Press Cuttings. We didn't have Trackback, yet we appreciate the information.

See Searches on Depleted Uranium:

Google Search

Yahoo Search

MSN Search

AOL Search

Remember, depleted uranium not only affects the military person overseas, it may also affect future offspring and family members. Please make multiple copies of all records and keep them in a safe place.

Your Military Transition Coach,

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion

Note: Veterans In Motion's political opinion will not be shared on the blog. Our main concern is that our troops and their families are taken care of and not left to suffer.

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